To calculate 0.48 times 10, you simply multiply the two numbers together. 0.48 multiplied by 10 equals 4.8. This can be calculated by moving the decimal point one place to the right in 0.48, resulting in 4.8.
10 times 10 times 10 times 10 = 10 x 10 x 10 = 10,000
100000000. there are eight tens here.
1.35 times 10 times 10 equals 135.
The answer to 10 times 10 is really easy its 100. all you do is count 10 10 times and you have your answer
3 048 000 000 000
1 petabyte = 1 048 576 gigabytes So, 1 048 576 gigabytes times sixteen is 16 777 216 gigabytes. Hope this helps.
In 1972, Pedro Borbon played in 62 games, batting in all of them. He had 21 at bats, getting 1 hits, for a .048 batting average, with 1 runs batted in. He was walked 1 times, and was hit by the pitch 1 times. He struck out 10 times. He hit only singles.
10 times 10 times 10 times 10 = 10 x 10 x 10 = 10,000
100000000. there are eight tens here.
28 000 000 000 2.8 * 1010
1000000 (6 zeros)
In 1992, Rob Ducey played in 23 games, batting in all of them. He had 21 at bats, getting 1 hits, for a .048 batting average, with 0 runs batted in. He was walked 0 times. He struck out 10 times. He hit 1 doubles, 0 triples, and 0 home runs.
10 to the 8th doesnt mean square. 108 means to the power of eight. it means 10 times 10 times 10 times 10 times 10 times 10 times 10 times 10. in other words its 10 times 10 eight times. 5.7*108 = 570,000,000 = 570 million
72cc, 52mm bore