what is 613.162 in words
3000 Characters is averaged between 2,000 words to 2,980 words.(allwordphone.com/count-words-characters.htm)
If the teacher asks for alternative words for a given word or words then he's asking for some synonyms or other words that mean the same as the ones you have.
40,000 is forty thousand (in words).
1050 in words is one thousand and fifty.
Puerto Ricos zipe code is 0731
The phone number of the Pennsylvania Canal Society is: 610-431-0731.
The phone number of the Murphy Auto Museum is: 805-654-0731.
Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India, is in area code +91 731, or 0731 within India.
Code P0731 means A/T first gear signal fault
The address of the Saponi Nation Of Ohio is: Po Box731, Xenia, OH 45385-0731
Ya it is surely go higher after budget,,or you can come on click to the http://www.capitalvia.com or feel free to contact on 0731-6680000
The phone number of the Preservation Foundation Of Palm Beach is: 561-832-0731.
The address of the 22 Main Street Cooperstown Inc is: Po Box 731, Cooperstown, NY 13326-0731
The address of the Ashland Coutny Sports Hall Of Fame Inc is: Po Box 731, Ashland, OH 44805-0731