298.987 cents, rounded to the nearest cent is 299.298.987 cents, rounded to the nearest cent is 299.298.987 cents, rounded to the nearest cent is 299.298.987 cents, rounded to the nearest cent is 299.
8.969 cents, to the nearest cent, is 9 cents.
"Cents" is two decimal places. Round to the nearest hundredths.
Rounded to the nearest 25 cents, $12.29 is equal to $12.25.
Let's say you did a calculation and the answer was 15.56 cents. You would round up to the nearest cent so your answer would be 16 cents. If the answer were 15.2 cents you would round down to the nearest cent and the answer would be 15 cents. AT 15.5 you could round up or down.
35.63 cents = 36 cent (to the nearest cent).35.63 cents = 36 cent (to the nearest cent).35.63 cents = 36 cent (to the nearest cent).35.63 cents = 36 cent (to the nearest cent).
4.4987 cents, to the nearest cent, is 4 cents.
298.987 cents, rounded to the nearest cent is 299.298.987 cents, rounded to the nearest cent is 299.298.987 cents, rounded to the nearest cent is 299.298.987 cents, rounded to the nearest cent is 299.
20.3 cents, to the nearest cent, is 20 cents.
8.969 cents, to the nearest cent, is 9 cents.
71.12665 cents, to the nearest cent is 71 cents.
320000 cents, to the nearest cent is 320000 cents!
8.959 cents, to the nearest cent, is 9 cents.
To the nearest 50 cents, 1 dollar is 100 cents.
The answer depends on the units used for 34.78 For example, 34.78 cents, rounded to the nearest ten cents is 30 cents.
1043.102543 cents, rounded to the nearest cent, is 1043 cents.
"Cents" is two decimal places. Round to the nearest hundredths.