Oh honey, 1.544 to the nearest tenth is 1.5. It's not rocket science, just round that bad boy up.
The nearest tenth is 0.5
It is 0.4 to the nearest tenth
what is 0.74 to the nearest tenth
It is 2.1 to the nearest tenth
38.46 is 38.5 to the nearest tenth. 1.2 is already at the nearest tenth
3.9356 to the nearest tenth is 3.9
A tenth of 0.44 is 0.044. The nearest tenth to it is zero. 0.44 rounded to the nearest tenth is 0.4 .
It is 1.0 to the nearest tenth and not 0.9
It is already to the nearest tenth as 3.2
The nearest tenth is 0.5
It is 0.4 to the nearest tenth
what is 0.74 to the nearest tenth
It is 2.1 to the nearest tenth
To the nearest tenth.... 7.7
It is 6.9 to the nearest tenth
what is 28.4 to the nearest tenth
It is already to the nearest tenth