Oh, what a happy little question we have here! To simplify the decimal 1.57142857 into a fraction, we can see that it's very close to 1 and 4/7. So, 1.57142857 is simplified as 11/7. Just a little adjustment can bring so much joy to our numbers!
Oh, dude, you want me to math? Fine, fine. So, 1.57142857 as a simplified fraction is 11/7. But like, who even needs fractions when you've got Pizza slices, am I right?
Fractions and integers can be equivalent, but they are different things. An integer can be written as a fraction (7 = 7/1 or 21/3) but in its simplified form it is not a fraction.
11/26 is the simplified fraction
0.644 as a simplified fraction = 644/1000 = 161/250
0.125 as fraction simplified is 1/8.
0.35 as a fraction is 35/100. When simplified, this becomes 7/20.
0.877 written as a fraction is 877/1000 It cannot be simplified
6% as a simplified fraction is: 3/50
Fractions and integers can be equivalent, but they are different things. An integer can be written as a fraction (7 = 7/1 or 21/3) but in its simplified form it is not a fraction.
0.4 as a fraction simplified is 2/5
It is 76/1000, which can be simplified.
Answer: 1.5 as a fraction is written as 3/2.
0.729729729 = 729729729/1000000000 which cannot be simplified.
755/100 >> simplified >> 151/200
0.4333333333333333 = 4333333333333333/10000000000000000 which cannot be simplified.
4.12 = 412/100 or 103/25 in fraction