To convert 1.625 to a mixed number, we first look at the whole number part, which is 1. Next, we convert the decimal part .625 to a fraction by considering the decimal places. Since there are three decimal places, the fraction part will be 625/1000. Simplifying this fraction gives us 5/8. Therefore, 1.625 as a mixed number is 1 5/8.
1.625 = 1625/1000= 13/8 = 15/8
If the smaller number is x, the larger is 1625/x where x<= 1625 So the sum is x + 1625/x for 0< x <= sqrt(1625)
A mixed numberThis is called a mixed number or mixed fraction.
There is no equivalent mixed number.
if you are asking "what is 3 and 1/2 as a mixed number", the answer is that it already is in mixed number format.
1.625 = 1625/1000= 13/8 = 15/8
If the smaller number is x, the larger is 1625/x where x<= 1625 So the sum is x + 1625/x for 0< x <= sqrt(1625)
Expressed as a mixed number in its simplest form, 16.25 is equal to 16 1/4 or 16 and a quarter.
No, it is a multiple of 5.
The phone number of the Faye Museum is: 808-338-1625.
A mixed number
A mixed numberThis is called a mixed number or mixed fraction.
The phone number of the Hopewell Public Library is: 609-466-1625.
mixed numbers
The mixed number is: 3 87/100