3/16 is 0.1875 when written as a fraction.
five sixteenth is written as 5/16. This already is a fraction.
14.0625 can be expressed as a fraction by noting that the decimal point is after the last digit. Since there are four decimal places, the fraction can be written as 14 0625/10000. Simplifying this fraction gives us 14 1/16.
not sure of your choices as written, but -9/16 = 9/-16
3/16 is 0.1875 when written as a fraction.
0.128 written as a fraction in simplest form is 16/125.
√16 = 4/1
It is 16/10.
3.3125 = 53/16
five sixteenth is written as 5/16. This already is a fraction.
one over sixteen written as a fraction is: 1/16
8/50 = 16%
It can be written as either 16 4/5 or 84/5.