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Q: What is 1.714285714 rounded up to the nearest hundredths?
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You would round it up - to 1564.79

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0.328 rounded to the nearest hundredth is 0.33. The digit in the next place over from the hundredths place is greater than 4, so the digit in the hundredths place is rounded up.

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The answer depends on the degree to which the number is to be rounded. To the nearest hundredths, it is 8.04 while to the nearest hundreds, it is 0.

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Answer: 39.95 Rounded to the nearest 0.01 or the Hundredths Place. Explanation 39.948 You rounded to the nearest hundredths place. The 4 in the hundredths place rounds up to 5 because the digit to the right in the thousandths place is 8. 39.95 When the digit to the right is 5 or greater we round away from 0. 39.948 was rounded up and away from zero to 39.95

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3.298 to the nearest hundredths would be: 3.30. This is because the value of "8" rounds the "9" up which then rounds up the "9" leading into the rounding up of the "2".