To express 1.75 as a fraction, we first need to convert the decimal to a fraction. Since 1.75 is a mixed number, we can rewrite it as an improper fraction by multiplying the whole number (1) by the denominator of the fractional part (0.75) and adding the numerator (75) to get 175. Therefore, 1.75 as a fraction is 175/100, which can be simplified to 7/4.
The correct answer to this question is 175/10 or 35/2 (improper fraction)
I suspect the question should of been what is 17.5% as a fraction where the answer is 7/40.
17.5% is the UK VAT rate (excluding VAT Holiday November 2008 till October 2009)
17.5 in a mixed fraction is 17 1/2
and so on.
If you want to work out questions like this for yourself, here's how:
0.175 is another way of saying 175/1000. Write this down, then start to cancel. It is obvious that top and bottom can be divided by 5, so do that. You get 35/200. Again, this divides by 5, giving 7/40, which is also .175 in decimal form.
175% = 175/100 = 7/4 As a decimal, it is 1.75
It is 175/1 as a fraction and 175 as a whole number. There is no sensible way to write it as a mixed number.
125/175 = 5/7
175% = 1 3/4 or 1.75
175 is an integer and not a fraction. However, it can be expressed in rational form as 175/1. There is no sensible way of representing it as a mixed number.
175 = 175/1
175: as a decimal = 175.0 as a mixed fraction = Ideally, it can't be converted into a mixed fraction.
It is: 175% = 1.75 as a decimal and 7/4 as a fraction in its lowest terms
The lowest term of the fraction 175/245 is 5/7
1.75 = 175% = 175/100.
175/100 or 7/4
175% = 175/100 = 7/4 As a decimal, it is 1.75
175 = 5*5*7
175% = 1.75 or 7/4
175/100 = 7/4
"percent" means "out of 100", so 175 % = 175/100 = 7/4 (as an improper fraction) = 13/4 (as a mixed number)
175 percent converted to a fraction in lowest terms is 7/4