1.0 is to the nearest tenth of a gram.
One tenth of a gram is called a decigram.
The nearest tenth is 0.5
It is 0.4 to the nearest tenth
what is 0.74 to the nearest tenth
1.0 is to the nearest tenth of a gram.
Yes, 10.93 g is nearest to the tenth of a gram because it is closer to 10.9 g than 11.0 g.
1.0 is already rounded to the nearest tenths.
The measurement 25.81 is precise to the nearest hundredth.
One tenth of a gram is called a decigram.
3.9356 to the nearest tenth is 3.9
A tenth of 0.44 is 0.044. The nearest tenth to it is zero. 0.44 rounded to the nearest tenth is 0.4 .
It is 1.0 to the nearest tenth and not 0.9
It is already to the nearest tenth as 3.2
The nearest tenth is 0.5
It is 0.4 to the nearest tenth
what is 0.74 to the nearest tenth