To convert the decimal 5.26315789 to a fraction, we can write it as 526315789/100000000. This fraction can be simplified by dividing the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor, which is 26315789. Therefore, 5.26315789 as a fraction is 526315789/100000000, which simplifies to 52631579/10000000.
1.88888889 = 188888889/100000000 which cannot be simplified further. However, 1.888... could be the rounded form of the infinite decimal expansion for 17/9
Well, darling, 0.02083333 as a fraction is 1/48. So, there you have it. Hope that clears things up for you, sugar.
The whole number that comes after 99, 99,999 is 100,000,000.
56 x 100000000 = 5600000000
129166667 / 100000000
It is 45833333/100000000 which cannot be simplified.
It is 2199999999/100000000, which cannot be simplified.
-2.28942849 = --2.28942849/100000000 which cannot be simplified further.
It is -133333333/100000000 which cannot be simplified further.
To convert the decimal 5.26315789 to a fraction, we can write it as 526315789/100000000. This fraction can be simplified by dividing the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor, which is 26315789. Therefore, 5.26315789 as a fraction is 526315789/100000000, which simplifies to 52631579/10000000.
513/1000000000 is in its simplest form.
0.34782609 is a fraction. It is a fraction in decimal form rather than in the form of a ratio. However, that does not stop it being a fraction. Its equivalent, in rational form, is 34782609/100000000 which cannot be simplified.
1.88888889 = 188888889/100000000 which cannot be simplified further. However, 1.888... could be the rounded form of the infinite decimal expansion for 17/9
10.66666667 in fractio n = 1066666667/100000000 = 10.66666667 * 100000000/100000000= 1066666667/100000000
2.22222222 = 222222222/100000000 = 111111111/50000000 If that is supposed to be 2.222... with the 2 recurring, then: 2.222... = 2 2/9 = (2×9+2)/9 = 20/9
positive powers of ten are standard form, this is when large numbers are simplified to make math easier e.g 100000000 is 1x10^9