Fastest Time:
yocto-second is 10^-24 seconds
Zepto-second is 10^-21 seconds
Atto-second is 10^-18 seconds
Femto-second is 10^-15 seconds
Pico-second is 10^-12 seconds
Nano-second is 10^-9 seconds
Micro-second is 10^-6 seconds
Milli-second is 10^-3 seconds
Centi-second is 10^-2 seconds
Deci-second is 10^-1 seconds
Longest Time:
Second = ?
Minute = 60 seconds
Hour = 60 Minutes
1/2 Day = 12 Hours
Day = 24 Hours; 1,440 minutes
Week = 7 days (Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday & Saturday)
Month = 4 weeks; 28-31 days
Year = 12 months; 52 weeks; 365.4 days
???? = ????
Decade = 10 years
Century = 100 years (Ten decades)
Millenium = 1,000 years (Ten centuries, Hundred decades)
Kilennium = 10,000 years (Ten milleniums)
Centrennium = 100,000 years ?
Megaannum = 1 Million years (1,000 millennums)
???? = ?????
Aeon = 1 billion years (1,000 Megaannums)
Trillienium = 1 trillion years ?
But the sun is 200 trillion years old?
10,000 years. Or rather, Ten Thousand years.
1.141 (rounded)
there are 315 360 000 000 seconds
10000 x (1.08)2 = 11664
yes but it was1000000 years ago not 10000 years ago and its called a myth not a legend
87,658,127.7 hours is 10000 years.
It is about 10000 years oldBY CASEYIt is about 10000 years old
there use to be, but sadly it is gone.
no way not in a 10000 years no way not in a 10000 years no way not in a 10000 years
0.02 years
10000 years fag
That is called ten litres.
I am pretty sure that it was 10,000 years ago, and if you want to be more specific, 10,010 years ago.
10000 years
That is called ten litres.