it is 1000 taking away 200 4 times
first way is easy: 1000 minus 775 second way (might be the second way but not sure): minus 775 from 100 plus 225
If this is a riddle, the answer is "only once, because after that you have only 879 to subtract from". Otherwise, you can subtract 8 lots of 121 from 1000.
it is 1000 taking away 200 4 times
200 - 5 = 195Subtract 5
first way is easy: 1000 minus 775 second way (might be the second way but not sure): minus 775 from 100 plus 225
If this is a riddle, the answer is "only once, because after that you have only 879 to subtract from". Otherwise, you can subtract 8 lots of 121 from 1000.
No, 200 is a factor of 1000.
Subtract 200 from 2013 and you have the answer.
Dinosaurs were eating egyptians and jesus.