It goes in 71 times but it has a remainder of 6.
6 times with remainder 100.
71 with remainder 6.
6 times with a remainder of 40
6% is the same as 0.06 and 0.06 times 1000 = 60
5 x 6 + 1000 = 1030
1000 ÷ 14 = 71 with remainder 6 OR 71.428571 times.
6 x (500 over 3) is equal to 1000
6 x 166.66666666666666666666666666667 = 1,000
1000 divided by 6 equals 166 with a remainder of 4.
It goes in 71 times but it has a remainder of 6.
60 x 100 = 6000/1000 = 6
6 times with remainder 100.
1 km = 1000 m 1000 / 6 = 166.67 So there are 166 times 6 m in 1 km
1000 And 6 Times