If this binary number is broken down as 128+32+4+2 it equals 166.
As an 8 digit binary number it is equal to 166.
Two's complement is the successor to ones' complement. That is, take the ones' complement of a value and add 1. In signed notation, the two's complement of any value negates that value. For example: The ones' complement of 01011010 is 10100101. To get the two's complement, add 1, thus 10100110. The process is reversible: the ones' complement of 10100110 is 01011001. Add 1 to get 01011010, which is the original value. In unsigned notation, 01011010 is 90 decimal while 10100110 is 166. In signed notation, 10100110 is -90. This is because the most-significant bit (bit-7) indicates the sign, but also has the decimal value 128. Thus if bit-7 is set, the remaining 7 bits (38 decimal in this case) are added to -128, which is -90. Thus 10000000 is -128+0, which is -128, while 11111111 is -128+127, which is -1. Originally, the ones' complement was used to negate values, but this is rarely used today because 1111111 would be -0, but 0 is neither signed nor unsigned, and you certainly don't want two separate zeroes. An alternative form of negation simply flips bit-7 but this had the same problem with 10000000 being -0. Two's complement doesn't have this problem so counting from -128 to +127 is greatly simplified because we can start at 10000000 (-128) and iteratively increment by 1. When we reach 11111111 (-1), adding 1 wraps around to become 00000000 and we continue until 01111111 (127). Add 1 again and we get 10000000, which takes us back to -128. As to what is the solution for two's complement program in cpp, I do not know. I wasn't even aware there was a two's complement problem that required a solution. Perhaps if you could specify the problem (using the discussion page) we may be able to update this answer accordingly.
Abstraction is just how closely related a computer language is to the computer's native machine code architecture. Obviously, the bottom of the 'ladder' is the machine code, but you can go even further down with microcode. The higher you go up on the 'ladder', the more "human-like" the code becomes (the code becomes more and more written in english). Examples: <main+0>: 01010101 10001001 11100101 10000011 11100100 11110000 10000011 11101100 <main+8>: 00100000 11101000 00011010 01000000 00000000 00000000 1100111 01000100 <main+16>: 00100100 00000100 01110000 01000111 0000000 11000111 00000100 <main+24>: 00100100 10000000 01011111 0100111 00000000 11101000 10100110 10001100 <main+32>: 00000110 00000000 10001101 01000100 00100100 00010100 10001001 0100010 ^ Machine code <main>: push %ebp <main+1>: mov %esp, %ebp <main+3>: and $0xfffffff0, %esp <main+6>: sub $0x20, %esp <main+9>: call 0x40530c <__main> <main+14>: movl $0x477024, 0x4(%esp) <main+22>: movl $0x475f80, (%esp) <main+29>: call 0x469fac <operator<<> <main+34>: lea 0x14(%esp), %eax <main+38>: mov %eax, 0x4(%esp) ^ Assembly language cin >> celciusTemp; fahrenheitTemp = celciusTemp * 9 / 5 + 32; cout << fahrenheitTemp; ^ C++ Believe it or not, but the above machine and assembly language examples convert a value in Celsius to Fahrenheit. The higher up you go on the abstraction ladder, the more the language abstracts away all of the little details from below.
Abstraction is just how closely related a computer language is to the computer's native machine code architecture. Obviously, the bottom of the 'ladder' is the machine code, but you can go even further down with microcode. The higher you go up on the 'ladder', the more "human-like" the code becomes (the code becomes more and more written in english). Examples: <main+0>: 01010101 10001001 11100101 10000011 11100100 11110000 10000011 11101100 <main+8>: 00100000 11101000 00011010 01000000 00000000 00000000 1100111 01000100 <main+16>: 00100100 00000100 01110000 01000111 0000000 11000111 00000100 <main+24>: 00100100 10000000 01011111 0100111 00000000 11101000 10100110 10001100 <main+32>: 00000110 00000000 10001101 01000100 00100100 00010100 10001001 0100010 ^ Machine code <main>: push %ebp <main+1>: mov %esp, %ebp <main+3>: and $0xfffffff0, %esp <main+6>: sub $0x20, %esp <main+9>: call 0x40530c <__main> <main+14>: movl $0x477024, 0x4(%esp) <main+22>: movl $0x475f80, (%esp) <main+29>: call 0x469fac <operator<<> <main+34>: lea 0x14(%esp), %eax <main+38>: mov %eax, 0x4(%esp) ^ Assembly language cin >> celciusTemp; fahrenheitTemp = celciusTemp * 9 / 5 + 32; cout << fahrenheitTemp; ^ C++ Believe it or not, but the above machine and assembly language examples convert a value in Celsius to Fahrenheit. The higher up you go on the abstraction ladder, the more the language abstracts away all of the little details from below.