

What is 1024 divided by 30?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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Q: What is 1024 divided by 30?
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It is either 2 x 1024 or 1024 divided by 2. If it is 2 x 1024, the answer is 2048. But if 1024 divided by 2, the answer is 512. Please mark this as Helpful and give me a thanks and surprised emoji. Thank you for reading this!

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1 MB = 1024 KB hence 30720 KB = 30720/1024 = 30 MB

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Depends entirly on bitrate and encoding. Taking averages say 160kbps mp3 file of about 4:30 minutes. (150000 * (((4*60 + 30)*160)/8/1024/1024))/1024 = 772.476 GB {[no songs] * [time in seconds]*[bits per second] / 8 / 1024 / 1024 / 1024} gives an answer in gigabytes so at that bitrate and encoding a 1 terabyte hdd would do.

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Well, 16*16 is 256, 1024/256 is 4....hmm...well with that being said, its either gonna be 1024, or 2028

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Just about 19 years or so, give and take a few leap years. It's a simple division of 1024 wks in total divided by 52 wks/annum. 1024/52= 19.69.

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4x4x4=64/2=32x32=1024 or 43 divided by 22 = 64 divided by 4 = 16