1050 contains 4 significant digits and cannot be rounded to two significant figures without changing the value of the number.
9,138 rounded to two significant figures is 9,100
Rounded to two significant figures, 0.00079511 is approximately equal to 0.000080.
It is 0.0054 rounded to two significant figures
1050 rounded to 2 sig figs is 1000, and to 1 sig figs is 1000.
0.00067 rounded to two significant figures = 0.00067
34,696 rounded to two significant figures is 35,000.
0.02353 rounded to two significant figures is 0.024
9,976,200 rounded to two significant figures is 10,000,000.
950 is already rounded to two significant figures.
0.0002353 rounded to two significant figures = 0.00024
664 rounded to two significant figures is 660
9,138 rounded to two significant figures is 9,100
155cm rounded to two significant figures is 160cm
34.654 rounded to two significant figures is 35.
Rounded to two significant figures it becomes 58,000