To simplify the fraction 109/100, we need to find the greatest common divisor (GCD) of 109 and 100, which is 1. Dividing both the numerator and denominator by the GCD gives us 109/100 in its simplest form, as both numbers are coprime.
To write the expanded form of 109, you would break down the number into its individual place values. In this case, 109 can be expressed as 100 + 0 + 9. Therefore, the expanded form of 109 is 100 + 0 + 9.
10 and 9/10 or 109/10
6.3 * 109 IS in standard form.
218 is an integer and not a fraction. However, it can be expressed in rational form as 218/1.
109/220 is in its simplest form.
its in its simplest form 109 is a prime number
To express 109 percent as a fraction, we first convert it to a decimal by dividing 109 by 100, which equals 1.09. To simplify this decimal as a fraction, we write it as 1.09/1 and then multiply both the numerator and denominator by 100 to get rid of the decimal. This simplifies to 109/100, which is the simplest form for 109 percent as a fraction.
Since the numerator of the fraction is prime, and not a factor of the denominator, the proper fraction 109/120 is already expressed in its simplest form.
2.18 = 2 18/100 = 2 9/50 = 109/50 < simplest pure fraction form.
24 to 109 is in its simplest form.
109, like any integer, can be written as a fraction in simplest form by putting it over 1.
109/25 is in its simplest form.
In its simplest form, 109/1
If you mean 0.109 as a fraction in its simplest form then it is 109/10000