1125 in decimal form is simply 1125. Decimal form is the standard number system we use in everyday life, which is based on powers of 10. In this case, 1125 is already in decimal form as it is written in base 10.
2.5% = .025 (in decimal form) 0.025 x 45,000 = 1125 Another way to think about it is in fractions: 25% = 1/4 so 2.5% must be 1/40 (45000 / 40) = (4500 / 4) = (2250 / 2) = 1125
Well, honey, one and a half percent of 75000 is 1125. Don't worry, I did the math for you so you can spend more time sipping your tea and less time scratching your head.
A decimal number is simply a way of representing a number in such a way that the place value of a one is ten times that of a one in the place to its right. If it does not contain a fractional part then the decimal representation does not require a decimal point. So the decimal for 1125 is 1125 – as in the question.
375 = 375/1 or 375 = 750/2 or 375 = 1125/3 you get the drift!
First of all you have to multiply 75/1 and 15/100 which is 1125/100. then, to make it a proper fraction, you simplify it to 11 25/100 (which the correct answer is 11 1/4) To make it a decimal you have to put it to the hundredths place which you already did. so it is 1125%
112.5% = 1125/1000 (improper fraction) = 9/8 (simplified fraction) = 1 and 1/8(mixed fraction) Hope that helps... :)
1.125 is a fraction. It is a fraction in decimal form rather than in the form of a ratio. However, that does not stop it being a fraction. Its rational equivalent is 1125/1000 which can be simplified, if required.
112.5 percent of 72 is 81.
80% of 1125 = 0.80 x 1125 = 900
percent means "out of 100" → 112.5 % = 112.5/100 = 1125/1000 = 9/8 = 1 1/8
1125 in decimal form is simply 1125. Decimal form is the standard number system we use in everyday life, which is based on powers of 10. In this case, 1125 is already in decimal form as it is written in base 10.
It is: 9/1125 times 100 = 0.8%
112.5 is a fraction. It is a fraction in decimal form rather than in the form of a ratio. However, that does not stop it being a fraction. Its rational equivalent is 1125/10 which can be simplified to 225/2. But simplification will mean that you lose information about the precision of the fraction.
112.5 = 112 and 1/2 = 225/2 It is also equivalent to (112.5 x 10) / 10 = 1125/10 which when reduced to the least fraction will yield the same 225/2 answer.
0.1125 as a fraction is 1125/10000. In simplest form it is 9/80