0.91666666666 as a fraction is 11/12. To convert a decimal to a fraction, we count the number of decimal places after the decimal point (in this case, there are 11 sixes), and then place the decimal value over the appropriate power of 10 (11 sixes over 10^11). This simplifies to 11/12, as both the numerator and denominator can be divided by 6.
10/11 = 0.90909090909
2 over 11 written as a repeating decimal = 0.18181818...
Well, that would be true if the first two numbers are in base=11 but the 10 is in base=10. (15)11 = decimal 16 (6)11 = decimal 6 (15)11 - (6)11 = (decimal 16) minus (decimal 6) = decimal 10 (*For the solution to the Poptropica riddle, see the related question below.)
4 and 7 over 10 as decimal is 4.7
10/11 = 10 ÷ 11 = 0.909091
9 over 10 is .81
1.1 dumba*s
0.91666666666 as a fraction is 11/12. To convert a decimal to a fraction, we count the number of decimal places after the decimal point (in this case, there are 11 sixes), and then place the decimal value over the appropriate power of 10 (11 sixes over 10^11). This simplifies to 11/12, as both the numerator and denominator can be divided by 6.
11 over 36 into a decimal = 0.3055...11/36:= 11 ÷ 36= 0.3055... in decimal
47 over 11 as a decimal = 4.2727...47/11:= 47 ÷ 11= 4.2727... in decimal
11 over 16 in decimal form = 0.6875 11/16: = 11 ÷ 16 = 0.6875 in decimal
16 over 11 converted to a decimal = 1.454...16/11:= 16 ÷ 11= 1.454... in decimal
10/11 = 0.90909090909
3 and 11 over 40 as a decimal is 3.275