11/12 and 3/4 have different denominators. So we multiply 4 by 3 to get the denominators the same. If we multiply 4 by 3, we should also multiply 3 by 3.
If it asks us it in the simplest form, 2/12 find the LCM, 2.
And divide it by 2,
9/4 minus 4/3 is 11/12.
9/11 − 3/11 = 6/11
12 minus 1/3 equals 11 and 2/3.
23/4 - 5/6 = 69/12 - 10/12 = 59/12 = 4 and 11/12
1/4 = 3/12 11/12 - 3/12 = 8/12 = 2/3
11/12 minus 7/12 is 1/3
11/12 = 0.91666666666666671/3 = 0.33333333333333330.9166666666666667 - 0.3333333333333333 = 0.5833333333333333
11/3 − 3/4 = 7/12
11/12 − 1/6 = 54/72 which reduces to 3/4
4²-3+11-12 = 16-3+11-12 = 12
2/3 - 12 = -11 1/3 or minus eleven and one third.
It is -1/11
9/4 minus 4/3 is 11/12.
9/11 − 3/11 = 6/11
2/3 minus 12/15 is -2/15