12.40 is a mixed number in decimal form and there is no sensible way to represent it as a whole number. The whole part of it is 12.
To find the average of three numbers, you add them together and then divide by the total number of values. In this case, the sum of 657, 890, and 1240 is 2787. Dividing this sum by 3 (the total number of values) gives an average of 929. Therefore, the average of 657, 890, and 1240 is 929.
The answer can be another fraction and a whole number or it can be a whole number.
1240 + 620 = 1860
A product of a given whole number and another whole number = whole numbers
124.00 is really just 124 with a couple of empty decimal places added. 1240 is a bigger number than 124 (or 124.00).
45% of 1240 = 45% * 1240 = 0.45 * 1240 = 558
3% of 1240 = 3% * 1240 = 0.03 * 1240 = 37.20
496/1240 x 100 = 40 Therefore, 496 is 40 percent of 1240.
97-154 ---- 1240
97-154 ---- 1240
1240/5 = 248
this means 1240 MINUTES in a DAY