0.01234567901 as a fraction is 12345679/1000000000.
12345679 + 987654321 = 1000000000
0.19753086419 as a reduced fraction = 12345679/62500000
they are 12345679 stink
0.01234567901 as a fraction is 12345679/1000000000.
To convert 0.12345679 to a fraction, we can write it as ( \frac{12345679}{10^8} ). This is because there are 8 decimal places in the number. Simplifying this fraction gives ( \frac{1371742}{11111111} ).
12345679 + 987654321 = 1000000000
0.19753086419 as a reduced fraction = 12345679/62500000
they are 12345679 stink
There are nine ones in the answer. 12345679 × 9 = 111111111
The answer is 1111111101.
198 written in fraction = 198/1
0.135 written as fraction is 27/200