The result of subtracting 987654321 from 1234567890 is 246913569. This calculation involves subtracting each place value digit from the corresponding digit in the other number, starting from the rightmost digit. Borrowing may be required when a smaller digit is being subtracted from a larger digit in a particular place value, and the result is obtained by performing the subtraction operation digit by digit.
It is 1,219, 326, 388, 904, 352, 690.
123456789 +987654321 =1111111110
12345679 + 987654321 = 1000000000
123456789-987654321 = -864197532
It is 1,219, 326, 388, 904, 352, 690.
Divide the first number into the second number for the answer.
2222194848...I think. And yes I did just do that in my head :D
The product of 987654321 multiplied by 987654321 is 975461057789971041. This result was obtained by multiplying each digit of the first number by each digit of the second number following the standard multiplication algorithm. The final result is a 18-digit number that represents the product of the two numbers.
12356789+987654321= = 1000011110
123456789 +987654321 =1111111110
12345679 + 987654321 = 1000000000
123456789-987654321 = -864197532