There is never a remainder when you multiply. 55 divided by 4 is 12, r7
12*12 = 144
To change feet to inches multiply by 12
Every foot has 12 inches, so just multiply by 12.Every foot has 12 inches, so just multiply by 12.Every foot has 12 inches, so just multiply by 12.Every foot has 12 inches, so just multiply by 12.
Yes you can multiply any number
You multiply the answer you got by the number you divided by for example: If you divided 2 by 12 you would get 6 then you would multiply 6 by 2 and get 12
If you are paid annually, divide the total by 12. If you are paid weekly, multiply by 52 and then divide by 12. If you are paid daily, multiply by however many days a week you work, then multiply by 52 and divide by 12. If you are paid hourly, multiply by the number of hours you work a week, then multiply by 52 and divide by 12.
multiply a number by .12 or 12/100.
There is never a remainder when you multiply. 55 divided by 4 is 12, r7
To determine area (square footage) multiply length times width- in this case, multiply 12 x 12.
24 multiplied by 12 is .........288
Multiply 6 by .12