180 divided by 12 is 15.
In math problems without punctuation such as brackets, the standard convention in to solve from left to right. Therefore, you would solve the problem 15-3 times 4 plus nine like by three actions. 15-3 equals 12; 12 times 4 equals 48; 48 plus 9 equals 57.
15 times 15 equals 225.
187 divided by 12 equals 15 with a remainder of 7.
41 times 3 equals 123.
180 divided by 12 is 15.
12-3(2+15) = -39
To get your answer, divide 15 by 180. 180/15 = 12. Now, let's check your work! 15 x 12 = 180. Yay, it's correct!
15 x 3 = 45, 12 x 2 = 24, 45 + 24 = 69
In math problems without punctuation such as brackets, the standard convention in to solve from left to right. Therefore, you would solve the problem 15-3 times 4 plus nine like by three actions. 15-3 equals 12; 12 times 4 equals 48; 48 plus 9 equals 57.
15 times 15 equals 225.
15-3 times 2 equals 15-6 equals 9.
187 divided by 12 equals 15 with a remainder of 7.
41 times 3 equals 123.
1.33 times 12 equals 16
12 times 8 equals 96