338 can be divided by: 1, 2, 13, 26, 169, and 338.
338 divided by 2 is 169.
The factors of 338 are 1, 2, 13, 26, 169, and 338. The prime factors of 338 are 2, 13, and 13. The distinct prime factors are 2 and 13. The prime factorization of 338 is 2 x 13 x 13 or, in exponential form, 2 x 132.
The factors of 338 are: 1 2 13 26 169 338 The prime factors are: 2 x 13 x 13
To find the prime factors of a composite number, try dividing it by each of the prime numbers less than its square root.For example, to find the prime factorization of 338 these primes are 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, and 17, but 338 can only be divided by 2 and 13 without remainder.338/2=169169/13=2626/13=2Each of these divisors are prime factors of 338, and when arranged in ascending order, the prime factorization of 338 is 2 x 13 x 13 or 2 x 132.