To convert feet to meters, we use the conversion factor of 1 foot being approximately 0.3048 meters. Therefore, the room dimensions of 12 feet by 13 feet would be approximately 3.66 meters by 3.96 meters. To find the area of the room in square meters, we multiply the length by the width, which gives us approximately 14.3 square meters.
Convert the feet to meters, then multiply. 1 foot = 0.3048 meters.
45x36 meters. . .
Just multiply the two numbers. If you multiply 12 meters x 13 meters, the result will be in square meters (as when you get the surface of a rectangle). But if you multiply (12) x (13 meters), the result will be in meters (as in: how many meters do you walk when you walk a distance of 13 meters, 12 times?)
Convert the feet to meters, multiplying by 0.3048. Then multiply meters x meters to get square meters. This assumes you are talking about a rectangle.
14.5 square meters.
13 feet is 3.96 meters.
To convert feet to meters, we use the conversion factor of 1 foot being approximately 0.3048 meters. Therefore, the room dimensions of 12 feet by 13 feet would be approximately 3.66 meters by 3.96 meters. To find the area of the room in square meters, we multiply the length by the width, which gives us approximately 14.3 square meters.
Answer: The room's area is 14.4928 square meters.
There are 42.6509186 feet in 13 meters.
13 feet is longer. 4 yards = 12 feet.
If you uncoil all of a regular french horn's tubing, in total it would be 12 feet long!
13 feet = 3.9624 meters
The result is 15 (14.9767) square meters.
13 feet 9 inches is equivalent to approximately 4.19 meters.
The Apollo 13 command module was about 10 feet 7 inches (3.2 meters) in diameter and 12 feet 10 inches (3.9 meters) tall.
13 feet 0 inches = 3.9624 meters