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Mellie Gulgowski

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βˆ™ 4y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

13,000,000,000,000 - 16,300,000,000 = 12,983,700,000,000

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Q: What is 13 trillion subtract 16.3 billion?
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What is 14 trillion take away 32 billion?

The difference is 13 trillion 968 billion.

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What percent is 13 billion of 2.5 trillion?

13,000,000,000 ÷ 2,500,000,000,000 = .0052 x 100 = 0.52%

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The number is a 13-digit number.

How many zeros in thirty two trillion four hundred and seven billion one hundred and nineteen million?

7. 32,407,119,000,000 The answer above is using the American trillion and billion. The European version of this number is 32,000,407,000,119,000,000, and therefore has 13 zeros.

Do Democrats support foreign aid?

yes they do. we did give 1 billion dollars to Greece (under Obama administration) when we are only 13 trillion in debt. Whats another billion

How do you numerically print six hundred thirty thousand billion in standard form?

630,000,000,000,000 In Scientific Notation this number is 63*10^13 *It's worth noting that six hundred thousand billion is an incorrect label, a thousand billion is more correctly referred to as a trillion. e.g: "Six hundred thirty trillion"

How many years is 13 trillion minutes?

13 trillion minutes = 24,717,236.4 years.

Post frieza saga power levels?

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