What is 13ft x 8ft converted in sqm
13ft x 8ft = 104ft2 which converts to 9.66m2
8-ft = 2.4384 meters (rounded)
To convert feet to square meters, you need to multiply by 0.0929. So, for a 10ft by 8ft area, you would calculate 10ft x 8ft = 80 square feet. Then, you would convert this to square meters by multiplying 80 square feet by 0.0929, resulting in approximately 7.43 square meters in a 10ft by 8ft area.
There are about 2.54 cm to an inch and so 20ft = 50.8 cm and 8ft = 20.32 cm So: 0.508 meters times 0.2032 meters = 0.1032256 square meters
15 feet * 8 feet = 120 square feet = 11.1483648 square meters.
13ft=3.96m 8ft=2.44m 3.96m by 2.44m = 9.66m2
room height=8ft, width=13ft lengh=15ft. what is square feet?
It is: 8*13 = 104 square feet
8-ft = 2.4384 meters (rounded)
How many sq m is 8ft by 8ft?
Not so sure about squar metter (as the question appeared) but it is approx 9.7 sq metres.
11.5819 square meters (rounded)
Oh, dude, you're hitting me with the conversion questions! So, 8 feet is about 2.44 meters, and if you multiply that by itself for an 8ft x 8ft square, you get around 5.94 square meters. But hey, who's really counting, right?
Ah, what a lovely question. To find the square meters of a space, we first need to convert the measurements to the same unit. Since 1 foot is about 0.3048 meters, we can multiply 12ft by 0.3048 to get the length in meters and 8ft by 0.3048 to get the width in meters. Then, we multiply the length and width in meters to find the square meters of the space.
It is 4.46 square metres.