

What is 13x12?

Updated: 12/21/2024
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6y ago

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Well, butter my biscuit, 13 times 12 equals 156. It's as simple as that, honey. Math ain't nothin' to be scared of, just grab a calculator and get 'er done.

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Q: What is 13x12?
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What does 13x12 equal?


How much is thirteen dozen?

13 dozen is 13x12=156

How many square meters in a room 13x12 feet?

14.5 square meters.

What is the square footage of a 13x12 room?

156 square feet. (just multiply the two)

How many sq feet is 13 x 12 room?

13X12=156 sq ft.

How can you tell the length of the sides of a recantangle where the area is 156 and the perimeter is 50?

13x12. Some algebraic formula or another. I guess and checked :P

How many square feet in a 13x12 room?

Oh, dude, you're really testing my math skills here. So, a 13x12 room would have 156 square feet. It's like, you take the length and multiply it by the width, and boom, you've got your answer. Math can be fun, right?

Your pond is 13foot X 5 foot by 18 inches deep how many gallons of water is in the pond?

(13X12)X(5X12)X18=168,480 inches^3; 1 Gallon = 231 inches^3 168,480/231 = 729.4 gallons

WHAT IS 13x12 equals?

Oh, dude, 13 times 12 equals 156. It's like, basic math, man. You just multiply 13 by 12 and bam, there's your answer. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.

12 time table?

1x12=122x12=243x12=364x12=485x12=606x12=727x12=848x12=969x12=10810x12=12011x12=13212x12=144If you want to know harder answers scroll down.13x12=15614x12=16815x12=18016x12=19217x12=20418x12=21619x12=22820x12=24021x12=25222x12=26423x12=27624x12=288Could you go on until 100x12?Have a go it will be a fun task to do when you have spare time.

What are the six through thirteen time tables?

6x0=0 7x0=0 8x0=0 9x0=0 10x0=0 11x0=0 12x0=0 13x0=0 6x1=6 7x1=7 8x1=8 9x1=9 10x1=10 11x1=11 12x1=12 13x1=13 6x2=12 7x2=14 8x2=16 9x2=18 10x2=20 11x2=22 12x2=24 13x2=26 6x3=18 7x3=21 8x3=24 9x3=27 10x3=30 11x3=33 12x3=36 13x3=39 6x4=24 7x4=28 8x4=32 9x4=36 10x4=40 11x4=44 12x4=48 13x4=52 6x5=30 7x5=35 8x8=40 9x5=45 10x5=50 11x5=55 12x5=60 13x5=65 6x6=36 7x6=42 8x6=48 9x6=54 10x6=60 11x6=66 12x6=72 13x6=78 6x7=42 7x7=49 8x7=56 9x7=63 10x7=70 11x7=77 12x7=84 13x7=91 6x8=48 7x8=56 8x8=64 9x8=72 10x8=80 11x8=88 12x8=96 13x8=104 6x9=54 7x9=63 8x9=72 9x9=81 10x9=90 11x9=99 12x9=108 13x9=117 6x10=60 7x10=70 8x10=80 9x10=90 10x10=100 11x10=110 12x10=120 13x10=130 6x11=66 7x11=77 8x11=88 9x11=99 10x11=110 11x11=121 12x11=132 13x11=143 6x12=72 7x12=84 8x12=96 9x12=108 10x12=120 11x12=132 12x12=144 13x12=156 6x13=78 7x13=91 8x13=104 9x13=117 10x13=130 11x13=143 12x13=156 13x13=169

How many cribbage points are in a full deck of cribbage?

If you had 52 cards in your hand... QUADS (you cannot have pairs or trips any more since all the cards are in your hand) You would have 13 sets of quadruples. A quadruple is composed of 6 unique pairs (if you lay the four cards out in a square then the unique pairs are the top two, bottom two, left, right, and the two diagonals). Each of the six pairs is worth 2 points = 12 points. (13 cards x 12 points) = 156 points. RUNS You would have 4 cards at each place comprising 13 card runs (4^13) = 67,108,864 points. SUITS You cannot have anything less than all cards counted (same with runs, above). Therefore you have 13 clubs, 13 hearts, 13 diamonds and 13 spades = 52 points. Next are the fifteens. Yes this was crunched manually. Combination Givens and Multipliers: There is one unique combination of 4 of the same card. (one way to have four 2's) There are four unique combination of 3 of the same card. (four ways to have three 5's) There are six unique combinations of 2 of the same card. (six ways to have two 7's) There are four unique one-card "combinations" of a card (there are four 9's in a deck) These multipliers (1, 4, 6 or 4) will be used below based on the composition of each unique sum-15 structure. Note for Tens: there are 16 unique ten-point cards (4 each of 10s, jacks, queens, kings) Card combinations in a construct are always made "going even then down" to avoid double counting. Example we count 10+5. But never 5+10. The even part is we'd count 7+7 then down = 7+7+1. Pattern reveals itself quickly. Construct Format: cards that add to fifteen (card + card + card) then ... then the "combination givens" multipliers based on the extent to which cards in the construct repeat = total number of combinations then the reminder that each combination that adds to 15 is worth 2 points and the total # of points Using the first construct in the TENS section as an example: T+5 (one of the 10point cards like 10/J/Q or K and one of the 5s) ... 16 possible Ts x 4 possible 5s = 64 combinations times 2 points per combination = 128 points TENS T+5...16x4 = 64 @ 2pts = 128 pts T+4+1...16x4x4 = 256 @ 2pts = 512 pts T+3+2...16x4x4 = 256 @ 2pts = 512 pts T+3+1+1...16x4x6 = 384 @ 2pts = 768 pts T+2+2+1...16x6x4 = 384 @ 2pts = 768 pts T+2+1+1+1...16x4x4 = 256 @ 2pts = 512 pts TENS TOTAL = 3200 NINES 9+6...4x4 = 16 @ 2pts = 32 points 9+5+1...4x4x4 = 64 @ 2pts = 128 pts 9+4+2...4x4x4 = 64 @ 2pts = 128 pts 9+4+1+1...4x4x6 = 96 @ 2pts = 192 pts 9+3+3...4x6 = 24 @ 2pts = 48 pts 9+3+2+1...4x4x4x4 = 256 @ 2pts = 512 pts 9+3+1+1+1...4x4x4 = 64 @ 2pts = 128 pts 9+2+2+2...4x4 = 16 @ 2pts = 32pts 9+2+2+1+1...4x6x6 = 144 @ 2pts = 288 pts 9+2+1+1+1+1...4x4x1 = 16 @ 2pts = 32 pts NINES TOTAL = 1520 EIGHTS 8+7...4x4 = 16 @ 2pts = 32pts 8+6+1...4x4x4 = 64 @ 2pts = 128 pts 8+5+2...4x4x4 = 64 @ 2pts = 128 pts 8+5+1+1...4x4x6 = 96 @ 2pts = 192 pts 8+4+3...4x4x4 = 64 @ 2pts = 128 pts 8+4+2+1...4x4x4x4 = 256 @ 2pts = 512 pts 8+4+1+1+1...4x4x4 = 64 @ 2pts = 128 pts 8+3+2+2...4x4x6 = 96 @ 2pts = 192 pts 8+3+2+1+1...4x4x4x6 = 384 @ 2pts = 768 pts 8+3+1+1+1+1...4x4x1 = 16 @ 2pts = 32 pts 8+2+2+2+1...4x4x4 = 64 @ 2pts = 128 pts 8+2+2+1+1+1...4x6x4 = 96 @ 2pts = 192 pts EIGHTS TOTAL = 2562 SEVENS 7+7+1...6x4 = 24 @ 2pts = 48 pts 7+6+2...4x4x4 = 64 @ 2pts = 128 pts 7+6+1+1...4x4x6 = 96 @ 2pts = 192 pts 7+5+3...4x4x4 = 64 @ 2pts = 128 pts 7+5+2+1...4x4x4x4 = 256 @ 2pts = 512 pts 7+5+1+1+1...4x4x4 = 64 @ 2pts = 128 pts 7+4+4...4x6 = 24 @ 2pts = 48 pts 7+4+3+1...4x4x4x4 = 256 @ 2pts = 512 pts 7+4+2+2...4x4x6 = 96 @ 2pts = 192 pts 7+4+2+1+1...4x4x4x6 = 384 @ 2pts = 768 pts 7+4+1+1+1+1...4x4x1 = 16 @ 2pts = 32 pts 7+3+3+2...4x6x4 = 96 @ 2pts = 192 pts 7+3+3+1+1...4x6x6 = 144 @ 2pts = 288 pts 7+2+2+2+2...4x1 = 4 @ 2pts = 8 pts 7+2+2+2+1+1...4x4x6 = 96 @ 2pts = 192 pts 7+2+2+1+1+1+1...4x6x1 = 24 @ 2pts = 48 pts SEVENS TOTAL = 3416 SIXES 6+6+3...6x4 = 24 @ 2pts = 48 pts 6+6+2+1...6x4x4 = 96 @ 2pts = 192 pts 6+6+1+1+1...6x4 = 24 @ 2pts = 48 pts 6+5+4...4x4x4 = 64 @ 2pts = 128 pts 6+5+3+1...4x4x4x4 = 256 @ 2pts = 512 pts 6+5+2+1+1...4x4x4x6 = 384 @ 2pts = 768 pts 6+5+1+1+1+1...4x4x1 = 16 @ 2pts = 32 pts 6+4+4+1...4x6x4 = 96 @ 2pts = 192 pts 6+4+3+1+1...4x4x4x6 = 384 @ 2pts = 768 pts 6+4+2+1+1+1...4x4x4x4 = 256 @ 2pts = 512 pts 6+3+3+3...4x4 = 16 @ 2pts = 32pts 6+3+3+2+1...4x6x4x4 = 384 @ 2pts = 768 pts 6+3+3+1+1+1...4x6x4 = 96 @ 2pts = 192 pts 6+3+2+2+2...4x4x4 = 64 @ 2pts = 128 pts 6+3+2+2+1+1...4x4x6x6 = 576 @ 2pts = 1152 pts 6+3+2+1+1+1+1...4x4x4x1 = 64 @ 2pts = 128 pts 6+2+2+2+2+1...4x1x4 = 16 @ 2pts = 32 pts 6+2+2+2+1+1+1...4x4x4 = 64 @ 2pts = 128 pts SIXES TOTAL = 5760 FIVES 5+5+5...4 @ 2 pts = 8 pts 5+5+4+1...6x4x4 = 96 @ 2pts = 192 pts 5+5+3+2...6x4x4 = 96 @ 2pts = 192 pts 5+5+3+1+1...6x4x6 = 144 @ 2pts = 288 pts 5+5+2+2+1...6x6x4 = 144 @ 2pts = 288 pts 5+5+2+1+1+1...6x4x4 = 96 @ 2pts = 192 pts 5+4+4+2...4x6x4 = 96 @ 2pts = 192 pts 5+4+4+1+1...4x6x6 = 144 @ 2pts = 288 pts 5+4+3+3...4x4x6 = 96 @ 2pts = 192 pts 5+4+3+2+1...4x4x4x4x4 = 1024 @ 2pts = 2048 pts 5+4+3+1+1+1...4x4x4x4 = 256 @ 2pts = 512 pts 5+4+2+2+2...4x4x4 = 64 @ 2pts = 128 pts 5+4+2+2+1+1...4x4x6x6 = 576 @ 2pts = 1152 pts 5+4+2+1+1+1+1...4x4x4x1 = 64 @ 2pts = 128 pts 5+3+3+3+1...4x4x4 = 64 @ 2pts = 128 pts 5+3+3+2+1+1...4x6x4x6 = 576 @ 2pts = 1152 pts 5+3+3+1+1+1+1...4x6x1 = 24 @ 2pts = 48 pts 5+3+2+2+2+1...4x4x4x4 = 256 @ 2pts = 512 pts 5+3+2+2+1+1+1...4x4x6x4 = 384 @ 2pts = 768 pts 5+2+2+2+2+1+1...4x1x6 = 24 @ 2pts = 48 pts 5+2+2+2+1+1+1+1...4x4x1 = 16 @ 2 pts= 32 pts FIVES TOTAL = 8488 FOURS 4+4+4+3...4x4 = 16 @ 2pts = 32 pts 4+4+4+2+1...4x4x4 = 64 @ 2pts = 128 pts 4+4+4+1+1+1...4x4 = 16 @ 2pts = 32 pts 4+4+3+3+1...6x6x4 = 144 @ 2pts = 288 pts 4+4+3+2+1+1...6x4x4x6 = 576 @ 2pts = 1152 pts 4+4+3+1+1+1+1...6x4x1 = 24 @ 2pts = 48 pts 4+4+2+2+2+1...6x4x4 = 96 @ 2pts = 192 pts 4+4+2+2+1+1+1...6x6x4 = 144 @ 2pts = 288 pts 4+3+3+3+2...4x4x4 = 64 @ 2pts = 128 pts 4+3+3+3+1+1...4x4x6 = 96 @ 2pts = 192 pts 4+3+3+2+1+1+1...4x6x4x4 = 384 @ 2pts = 768 pts 4+3+2+2+2+2...4x4x1 = 16 @ 2pts = 32 pts 4+3+2+2+1+1+1+1...4x4x6x1 = 96 @ 2pts = 192 pts 4+2+2+2+2+1+1+1...4x1x4 = 16 @ 2pts = 32 pts FOURS TOTAL = 3504 THREES 3+3+3+3+2+1...1x4x4 = 16 @ 2pts = 32 pts 3+3+3+3+1+1+1...1x4 = 4 @ 2pts = 8 pts 3+3+3+2+2+2...4x4 = 16 @ 2pts = 32 pts 3+3+3+2+2+1+1...4x6x6 = 144 @ 2pts = 288 pts 3+3+3+2+1+1+1+1...4x4x1 = 16 @ 2pts = 32 pts 3+3+2+2+2+2+1...6x1x4 = 24 @ 2pts = 48 pts 3+3+2+2+2+1+1+1...6x4x4 = 96 @ 2pts = 192 pts 3+2+2+2+2+1+1+1+1...4x1x1 = 4 @ 2pts = 8 pts THREES TOTAL = 640 There are no TWOS or ONES when we follow the "going even then down" rule: They never add up to fifteen: 2+2+2+2+1+1+1+1 = 12. Grand Total for the Fifteens = 29,090 points. Final Tally: Quads = 156 Runs = 67,108,864 Suits = 52 Fifteens = 29,090 TOTAL: 67,138,162 points in a cribbage deck. Sorry, no knobs or points for turning a Jack. But there are gimmies. What did I miss? Cheers. But with whom would you be playing? ************************* boyydz here ********************** There are some errors in the above answer. First, each of the 4^13 13-card runs is worth 13 points. Thus, the total run value is 4^13*13 = 872,415,232! In the fifteens: EIGHTS: Missed 8+3+3+1...4x6x4 = 96 @ 2 pts = 192 pts. Also, the given numbers actually total 2560, not 2562. Thus total for EIGHTS should be 2752. SEVENS: Missed 7+3+2+2+1...4x4x6x4 = 384 @ 2 pts = 768 pts. Missed 7+3+2+1+1+1...4x4x4x4 = 256 @ 2 pts = 512 pts. Thus, the correct total for SEVENS is 4696. SIXES: Missed 6+4+3+2...4x4x4x4 = 256 @ 2 pts = 512 pts. Missed 6+5+2+2...4x4x6 = 96 @ 2 pts = 192 pts. Missed 6+4+2+2+1...4x4x6x4 = 384 @ 2 pts = 768 pts. Thus, the correct total for SIXES is 7232. FIVES: Missed 5+3+3+2+2...4x6x6 = 144 @ 2 pts = 288 pts. Thus, the correct total for FIVES is 8776. FOURS: Missed 4+4+3+2+2...6x4x6 = 144 @ 2 pts = 288 pts. Missed 4+3+3+2+2+1...4x6x6x4 = 576 @ 2 pts = 1152 pts. Missed 4+3+2+2+2+1+1...4x4x4x6 = 384 @ 2 pts = 768 pts. Thus, the correct total for FOURS is 5712. The earlier answer missed 5440 points for 15s, and it overtotaled by 2. Thus the correct total score for 15s is 34,528. The earlier answer was correct - the pairs are worth 13x12 = 156. Thus, the total for pairs, runs, and 15s is 156 + 872,415,232 + 34,528 = 872,449,916, which is the answer I would give. If you want to add 13 points for each of 4 13-card flushes (doesn't really make sense to me, since your entire hand must be one suit to count a flush), that makes 872,449,968.