To work this out you have to know how to round.
To round you start at the right end of number sequence and if the rightmost number is less than 5 you round it down to zero BUT if it is greater than or equal to 5 you round it up to ten and add the '1' on to the next number to the left.
Thus 14.75 (which is two decimal places) becomes 14.8 to one decimal place - (14.95 would become 15.0)
Anything to one decimal place has a precision of one decimal place. For instance, 1234 to one decimal place is 1000, and 5678 to one decimal place is 6000. If you are talking fractional examples, then 0.1234 to one decimal place is 0.1 and 0.5678 to one decimal place is 0.6. Similarly, 0.001234 is 0.001, and 0.005678 is 0.006.
63.999 to one decimal place = 64.0
A number expressed to one decimal place (not one place decimal) is one that has a single digit after the decimal place. This is the digit in the tenths place so such a number may also be described as "rounded to the nearest tenth", or "accurate to a tenth".
It is then 3.4 rounded up to one decimal place
To round 34.4 to one decimal place, you look at the digit in the second decimal place, which is 4. Since 4 is less than 5, you simply drop all the digits after the first decimal place, resulting in 34.4 rounded to one decimal place.
Anything to one decimal place has a precision of one decimal place. For instance, 1234 to one decimal place is 1000, and 5678 to one decimal place is 6000. If you are talking fractional examples, then 0.1234 to one decimal place is 0.1 and 0.5678 to one decimal place is 0.6. Similarly, 0.001234 is 0.001, and 0.005678 is 0.006.
Carried out or written to one decimal place . . . 184.2Rounded to one decimal place . . . . . 184.3
978.229 rounded to one decimal place is 978.2
The decimal 13.5 is already rounded to one decimal place.
63.999 to one decimal place = 64.0
3.046 to one decimal place is 3.0.
2.694 = 2.7 in one decimal place
1.79246 = 1.8 in one decimal place
It is then 9.3 when rounded to one decimal place
18.69 to one decimal place = 18.7
It is 3.6 to one decimal place
It is 2.7 rounded to one decimal place