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Q: What is 15 minutes before 5 o'clock?
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27 minutes before 7 oclock is 33 minutes past 5 oclock?

NO. It is 33 minutes past SIX o'clock.

What is meant by 'a quarter to' in time?

The term means 15 minutes before the time required. Answer 'A quarter to' means 15 minutes before the top of the hour, e.g. A quarter to six, means 15 minutes before six o'clock or 5:45

What percent of 5 hours is 15 mins?

5%. 5 hours is 300 minutes. 15 minutes is 5% of 300 minutes.

How long should you wait before retaking blood pressure?

Every 5 minutes for an unstable patient, every 15 minutes for a stable one.

What does quarter to and quarter past mean?

Quarter to means 15 minutes before the hour; e.g. 5:45 Quarter past means 15 minutes after the hour; e.g. 16:15

27 minbefore 7 oclock is 33 minpast 5 oclock true or false?


What is 5 hours 5 minutes subtracted from 7 hours 20 minutes?

5 hours subtracted from 7 hours is 2 hours. 5 minutes subtracted from 20 minutes is 15 minutes.Therefore, the answer is 2 hours 15 minutes

How long do you have to wash your eye out when contaminated?

typically 15 minutes, but call a health line first

What is 5 hour 52 minutes into fraction?

5 13/15 minutes

How many hours and minutes is 5.25?

5.25 is equivalent to 5 hours and 15 minutes. To convert the decimal portion (.25) to minutes, you multiply it by 60 (0.25 x 60 = 15). Therefore, 5.25 is equal to 5 hours and 15 minutes.

15 minutes is how many times as long as 5 hours?

15 minutes is not longer than 5 hours. It is 0.05 times as long (1/20). There are 60 minutes in 1 hour. 60 x 5 = 300 minutes in 5 hours. 15/300 = 0.05

What is 15 hours and 5 minutes plus 30 seconds?

15 hours 5.5 minutes.