A mixed number is when you represent a single fraction as a whole number and a fraction. For example, 9/7th as a mixed number is 1 2/7th.
You can only have a mixed number for fractions greater than one (or less than negative one). So it can't be done.
Expressed as a mixed number in its simplest form, 17/15 is equal to 1 2/15 or one and two fifteenths.
1.625 = 1625/1000= 13/8 = 15/8
3 and 3/4
45/12 = 15/4 = 3 3/4
15 over 5 as a mixed number = 3 which is a whole number and not a mixed number
101 over 15 as a mixed number is 611/15
15 3/1000
69 over 15 as a mixed number = 43/5
15 over 6 as a mixed number = 21/2
15 and 9/1000
90/15 = 6 which is an integer, not a mixed number.90/15 = 6 which is an integer, not a mixed number.90/15 = 6 which is an integer, not a mixed number.90/15 = 6 which is an integer, not a mixed number.
121/15 written as a mixed number is 8 and 1/15
To express 15.031 as a fraction in simplest form, we first need to consider the decimal places. Since there are three decimal places in 15.031, we can rewrite it as 15.031 = 15 + 31/1000. Next, we convert the decimal portion to a fraction by placing 31 over 1000. Finally, we combine the whole number and fraction to get 15 31/1000, which is the simplest form of 15.031 as a fraction.
41 over 36 as a mixed number is 15/36
29 over 24 as a mixed number is 15/24
The mixed number of 46 over 36 is 15/18