56/16 is not a normal fraction. These types of fractions are known as "Improper" fractions. Improper simply means that numerator (top number) is larger than the denominator (bottom number). Basically, these are a division problem.
56/15 is the same as 56 ÷ 16
Since 16 x 4 is higher than our 56 we go back to the one before it - 15 x 3. This means that our "whole" number is 3.
Now this becomes a subtraction problem: 56 - 45 = 11. Lastly, put your fraction back together.
56/15 is simplified when it's 3 11/15.
Check Your Work:We can simply check our work to verify that our mixed number fraction (a fraction that contains a whole number and a fraction. i.e 2 1/2, 3 16/41, etc).
Turning Mixed Number back to Improper: Keep the denominator the same. Multiply the denominator by the whole number and add the numerator.
Keep the Denominator the same: ??/15
Multiply the denominator by the whole number: 15 x 3 = 45/15
Add the numerator: 45 + 11 = 56/15
Improperly it's 28/15, properly 11315
No, it is already simplified.
It is: 56/80 = 7/10
It is: 7/56 = 1/8 simplified
15/48 is simplified to 5 over 16
15/56 can't be simplified
No, it can be simplified as: 119/56
28 over 56 simplified is 1/2.
Improperly it's 28/15, properly 11315
39/56 cannot be simplified further.
56/210 = 4/15 when simplified
No, it is already simplified.
No. The hcf of 19 and 56 is 1.
It is: 56/80 = 7/10
56/159 is in its simplest form.