Well, honey, 169 over 1000 in simplest form is 169/1000. Can't simplify it any further unless you want to get real fancy and turn it into a decimal. But why bother when you've got a perfectly good fraction right there?
To simplify 169/1000, we need to find the greatest common factor (GCF) of the numerator (169) and the denominator (1000). The GCF of 169 and 1000 is 1, as they do not share any common factors other than 1. Therefore, the fraction 169/1000 is already in its simplest form and cannot be further reduced.
169 = 132
169 = 132 or 1.69 × 102
It is already simplified to 89/169
144/2704 = (9 * 16)/(169 * 16) = 9/169
They are already in their simplest form
It is already in its simplest form as 21/169
It is already in its simplest form
315/169 is the simplest form.
169/200 is in its simplest form.
39/169 = 3/13
13 over 18