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17000000 = 17,000,000

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Q: What is 17000000?
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How do you put 17 millionths in standard form?


Multiply 40000000 X 1000000 equals?

4*1013 or 40 trillion

How do you write 17 million in numbers?

Seventeen million in conventional (Arabic) numeration would be listed as 17000000.In the United States, commas are used to separate sets of three zeros, at the thousand and million marks (and billion, trillion and quadrillion marks, and so on) so it would be 17,000,000.In many European countries, they use periods instead of commas (and use a comma for the decimal point, where we use the period), so it would be 17.000.000.Scientific and engineering notation separate the mantissa (the value) and the magnitude. In scientific notation, the decimal is always brought to the front of the value, hence it's 1.7 E7meaning 1.7 × 10^7 = 1.7 × 10,000,000.Engineering notation differentiates from scientific in preferring magnitudes that are multitudes of thousands or 10^3, hence it would be 17.0 E6. A hundredth of this value (170,000) would be represented as 170.0 E3. Note the trailing zero after the decimal. That is because values in scientific and engineering notation are always assumed to be approximate, even if very precisely measured. Even if you're talking about exactly seventeen million apples, one has to take into consideration that the apples may have been miscounted, misplaced or partially eaten by passing birds.Contemporary Roman numeration goes as far as one million (M = 1,000. a letter overlined is a thousand times that letter's normal value, hence M overlined = 1,000,000). Sadly, overlined values cannot be easily portrayed without resorting to graphic text. That said, one could extrapolate using double-overlines to represent a value times one million, hence if XVII were doubly overlined, that would represent seventeen million.The difference in method between Roman and Arabic numeration illustrates the development of mathematics and counting over the course of history. Romans did not often have need to consider millions of items. Yet with progress we have more and more need to examine large numbers and their relationship to each other. Nineteenth century chemistry challenged common numeration with, for example, Avogadro's constant (the number of hydrogen atoms it takes to make a gram, or 6.022 E23, or, approximately 602,214,179,000,000,000,000,000.0). In the post-modern era, even scientific or standard mathematical notations (such as exponent stacks) have failed when considering values like Graham's Number, for which the mathematician Ronald Graham had to invent a brand new notation all its own.

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17000000 / 82 = 207,317.07317

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It is: ((MDCC)) which means 10*1000*1700 = 17,000,000

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percentage = 0.8529%% rate:= 14500/17000000 * 100%= (145/170)%= 0.8529%