If we convert 179 and 3/8 into a improper fraction, it becomes 1435/8. Also, 2 can be written as 2/1 in fraction form.
To divide fractions, we must first switch the numerator and denominator of the second fraction. In this case, the second fraction is 2/1. By switching the numerator and denominator, it becomes 1/2.
Then we can turn it into a multiplication problem. Like so:
Your problem is now: 1435/8 * 1/2
Simplify: 1435/16
89.6875 OR 89 and 11/16
1+178 2+177 3+176...
3 divided by 4 plus 1 divided by 2 minus 2 divided by 3
179 divided by 3 equals 59 with a remainder of 2.
179.5 divided by 2 is.. 89.75 (or 89 and 3/4)
179 works until divided by 7 the remainder is 6. 2519 works till 10....
2/3 of 179 is 119 1/3 or 119.33
2 and 1/8 divided by 3/4= 2 and 5/6 (or 2.833333333333 in decimal form).
1+178 2+177 3+176...
3 divided by 4 plus 1 divided by 2 minus 2 divided by 3