Oh honey, a mixed number is just a fancy way of saying a whole number and a fraction combined. So, 120 divided by 7 is 17 with a remainder of 1, which makes it 17 and 1/7. Hope that clears things up for you, darling.
It is: 4 and 3/7 as a mixed number
7/12 cant be a mixed number because it is less than a whole and a mixed number is at least a whole or higher.
47 over over 8 as a mixed number = 57/8
17 and 1/7
2 and 3/7
1 and 7/10ths
It is 2 and 3 over 7.
Oh honey, a mixed number is just a fancy way of saying a whole number and a fraction combined. So, 120 divided by 7 is 17 with a remainder of 1, which makes it 17 and 1/7. Hope that clears things up for you, darling.
47 over 7 as a mixed number = 65/7
13 over 7 in a mixed number = 16/7
68 over 7 as mixed number is 95/7
The mixed number of 25 over 7 is 34/7
The mixed number for 13 over 7 = 16/7
79 over 7 as a mixed number = 112/7
9 over 7 in a mixed number = 12/7