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Q: What is 1 3rd of 30?
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It is: 1/3 of 90 = 30

What is a 3rd of 30?

ten 30/3 = 10/1 = 10

What is 1 3rd of 90?

90 / 3 is 30

If 1135 equals 30 percent how do you figure what would be 100 percent?

30 percent means 0.3 . Divide 1,135 by 0.3 . 1,135/0.3 = 3,783 and 1/3rd 30 percent of [ 3,783 and 1/3rd ] = 1,135

What is 3 and 1 3rd percent as a fraction?

3 and 1/3 percent as a fraction is 1/30

How is 15 30ths greater than 1 3rd but less than 2 3rd?

Because 15/30 is a 1/2 which is greater than a 1/3 but less than 2/3

History of smith and Wesson model 30-1?

Standard Catalog of Smith and Wesson, 3rd ed.

What is 35 percent of a number if12 is 15 percent of a number?

There is a quick way to solve many of these questions. A quick way to do this in your head, is to break down the result. You want 35% You have 15% What is 35%? Two 15%(30) and 1/3rd of a 15%(5). If you double the known number, you get the answer to the question of 30% of the number is 12 is 15% of it. So, 12 + 12 is 30% Now you are 5% off. 1/3rd of 15% is 5% so 1/3rd of 12 is 4 Now you know that 30% of the number would be 24 and 5% of the number would be 4 Add the two and get your answer.

What is 30 to the 3rd power?


What is 2 3rd of 30?

2/3 of 30 is 20

Is 30 percent is one-third?

No, thirty percent is 3/10ths. 1/3rd on the other hand is .333333...and so on endlessly.

What is the answer to 15n divided by 30n to the 3rd power?

(15n/30n)^3 1. the n cancels out ans so you are left with (15/30) 2. 15/30 can be simplified to 1/2 and so you are left with (1/2)^3 3. (1/2)^3 is equal to 1/8 or .125