1 metric ton.1 metric ton.1 metric ton.1 metric ton.
4/8 is equal to 2/4 It's also equaled to a half
14.174762 grams
-- Half of 19.25 is 9.625 . -- If the 19.25 is inches, then the 9.625 is inches. -- If the 19.25 is metric tons, then the 9.625 is metric tons. -- If the 19.25 is Megahertz, then the 9.625 is Megahertz. etc.
A tonne is a metric ton, so you are asking "How many kilos in 1 metric metric tons (sic)?" Anyway, ignoring the redundant word (and the plural of ton), 1 tonne = 1000 kg.
seven and one half is equaled to 7.5
A centimeter is a metric unit of measurment that is equaled to 10 mm or 1/10 dm.
1 metric tonne is 1.000 kilograms. Half a tonne is 500 kilograms.
0.5 is one half in metric
1 kilometer
That is approximately 1.45 teaspoon.
1,000,000 meters.
One half of a gram is equal to 0.5 grams in the metric system.