1 out of 6 is 0.16666666666666.... and 6's go on for ever. most people either round the the last 6 to 7, or the put a bar/line above the 6's, showing that they go on for ever.
1/6 = 0.166667
1/6 as a percentage = 100*1/6 = 100/6 = 16.666... which, to two decimal places, is 16.67
Fraction:1/6 Decimal:0.16666666666666666666666666667
1 1/6 = 7/6 (Improper faction) , then divide '7' by '6' = 1.1666.... (recurring to inifinity).
6 1/6 = 6.16666667
1/6:= 1 ÷ 6= 0.1667 in decimal
6 out of 6 is 1. In decimal form, it is still 1.
1-sixth in decimal form = 0.01671/6:= 1 ÷ 6= 0.0167 in decimal
6/6 is 1 or 1.0 as a decimal
You write 1 6 as 1.6 in decimal form.
6 of 48 as a fraction. 6/48 Cancel down by '6' 1/8 1/8 as a decimal is 0.125
1/6 as a decimal is 0.16
1/6:= 1 ÷ 6= 0.1667 in decimal
1 sixth as a decimal is 1/6 or 0.166667.
You can write 6 1/4 as a decimal by writing 6.25.
6 1/8th written as a decimal would be 6.125