It is: 22
1 fourth of 88 is 22. To calculate 1 fourth, divide by 4.
1 eighth of 88
To find 1/8 of 88, you would divide 88 by 8. This calculation results in 11, so 1/8 of 88 is 11. This can be verified by multiplying 11 by 8, which equals 88.
50 cent piece quarter dime 3 pennies
It is: 22
22 pounds and 6 pence.
1 fourth of 88 is 22. To calculate 1 fourth, divide by 4.
88/88 = 1
1 eighth of 88
4 - 1 - 88 = -85
To find 1/8 of 88, you would divide 88 by 8. This calculation results in 11, so 1/8 of 88 is 11. This can be verified by multiplying 11 by 8, which equals 88.
1 Quarter=25 Pennies 1 Quarter=5 Nickels 1 Quarter=2 Dimes and 1 Nickel 1 Quarter=1 Dime and 15 Pennies 1 Quarter=3 Nickels and 1 Dime There are other combinations but those are some. These are some worldwide equivalencies. 1 Quarter=.2470325 of the Canadian Dollar 1 Quarter=.1990075 of the Euro 1 Quarter=.1574 of the British Pound 1 Quarter=1.52034 of the Egyptian Pound 1 Quarter=149.75875 of the Rwandan Franc 1 Quarter=.0001475 of Gold (oz.) 1 Quarter=.00016 of Platinum (oz.) (The worldwide equivalencies are from September 5, 2012)
Since 1 + 1 = 2, then 1 quarter + 1 quarter is 2 quarters. 2 quarters make 50 cents.
Half of '88' means '88' divided by '2' 2)88 = 44 The answer. Or Multiply ''8' by '1/2' 88/1 X 1/2 = Cancel down by '2' 44/1 X 1/1/ = 44/1 = 44 Same answer !!!!
50 cent piece quarter dime 3 pennies