One hundred thousand in Scientific notation is 1x10^5, (^ meaning to the power of), therefore One hundred thousand to the power of ten is (1x10^5)^10 = 1x10^50, using basic rules of powers or 1 followed by 50 zeros.
1 billion
.0001 1x10 to the negative 4 or on many calculators, 1x10^-4
5.0119x10 to the power of -6 or 0.0000050119
One hundred thousand in Scientific notation is 1x10^5, (^ meaning to the power of), therefore One hundred thousand to the power of ten is (1x10^5)^10 = 1x10^50, using basic rules of powers or 1 followed by 50 zeros.
1 billion
1*107 = 10000000 = ten million
0,000001 One millionth micro
10^18 = 1e+18 = 1x10 to the 18th power
1x10^6 = 1 million