Factorial. n! = 1x2x3x4x.....x(n-2)x(n-1)xn. Examples: 3! = 1x2x3 = 6 7! = 1x2x3x4x5x6x7=5040
Well, It's 1x2x3x4x5x6x7x8x9x10x11x12x13x14x15x16x17x18x19x20x21x22x23x24x25x26x27x28x29x30x31x32x33x34x35x36x37x38x39. I had gotten this number because I was looking at the possible combinations for the Stargate SG1 TV show, where apparently each of the Milky way Stargates have 39 symbols to choose from. However, on the other hand, there are only 7 "Slots" for these symbols to be entered into. So therefor I'm not sure how many actual destinations such a stargate could have, assuming that all possible stargate destinations could be utilized. It isn't 5,040, which is 1x2x3x4x5x6x7, but it isn't 20,397,882,081,197,443,358,640,281,739,902,897,356,800,000,000 either. It's all of the 7 number combinations in the 39 symbols. For which, I'm not sure how you get that solution. Probably some math thing I've forgotten.... Point is, lots of Stargate symbols. Of course, it's entirely possible you weren't referring to Stargate symbols and it's really something else, but anyway....