If that's 2.50 cents, it rounds to 3 cents.
If that's 2.50 dollars, it's already there.
23.8376 to the nearest cent is 23.84
298.987 cents, rounded to the nearest cent is 299.298.987 cents, rounded to the nearest cent is 299.298.987 cents, rounded to the nearest cent is 299.298.987 cents, rounded to the nearest cent is 299.
14.84 is already rounded to the nearest cent.
what is 2.857 to the nearest cent
0.4453 rounded to the nearest cent is $0.45
35.63 cents = 36 cent (to the nearest cent).35.63 cents = 36 cent (to the nearest cent).35.63 cents = 36 cent (to the nearest cent).35.63 cents = 36 cent (to the nearest cent).
If it is $2.865 then the nearest cent is $2.87 If it is 2.865cent then the nearest cent is 3cent
20.3 cents, to the nearest cent, is 20 cents.
0.667 cents, to the nearest cent, is 1 cent.
1.239 rounded to the nearest cent is 1 cent.
678 to the nearest cent is 678.00
29759.463 to the nearest cent = 29,759.46
23.8376 to the nearest cent is 23.84
$1042.30 is rounded to the nearest cent.
696.6 to the nearest cent is 696.6
0.00000192 to the nearest cent is 0.00
The nearest cent for $2957.02 is $2957.00.