If you're wondering how old someone born in 1984 is, they're 26 if they have had their birthday this year, and 25 if they haven't yet. (e.g. someone born February 1, 1984 will turn 26 on February 1, 2010; if the date is after that, they're 26, if it's before that, they're 25)
2009 - 1984 = 25
Calculated in 2010, you were born in 1975. (2010 minus 35 equals 1975).
If a equals 3 and b equals minus 5 then a minus b equals what
Calculated from 2010, the year of birth was 1950. (2010 minus 60 equals 1950).
÷/÷ = +
2009 - 1984 = 25
2010 minus 1993 equals 17.
2010 minus 1895 equals 115(2010-1895=115)
let me see 2010 minus 1981 equals 29
38 years of age. (2010 minus 1972 equals 38).
Calculated in 2010, you were born in 1975. (2010 minus 35 equals 1975).
28 years of age. (2010 minus 1982 equals 28).
If a equals 3 and b equals minus 5 then a minus b equals what
Calculated from 2010, the year of birth was 1950. (2010 minus 60 equals 1950).
÷/÷ = +
120 minus 87 equals 33.
203 minus 76 equals 127.