To find 20 percent of fifty thousand, you first convert 20 percent to a decimal by dividing by 100, which gives you 0.20. Then, you multiply 0.20 by fifty thousand to get the answer. Therefore, 20 percent of fifty thousand is ten thousand.
One hundred thousand dollars.
It is: 4 thousand dollars
The answer is Two hundred and ten thousand dollars.
1,750 ( One thousand Seven Hundred Fifty )
50,000 = 100% 5,000 = 10% 10,000 = 20%
20% of 56,000 = 11,200 dollars
Five thousand.
Fifty thousand times 30% is fifteen thousand.
55000 x 0.05= 2750...then to check just multiply 2750 by 20.
.30 x 50000 = 15000
One hundred thousand dollars.