0.78 can be written as a fraction like 78/100 or, reduced, 39/50.
39/100 is the fraction in lowest terms.
507 divided by 39 is 13.
It is 2380/39, which cannot be simplified.
It is 39/5, of course!
The fraction 0.78 can be written as 39/50 in simplest form.
15 out of 39 can be expressed as the fraction 15/39, which is the same as 15 divided by 39. 15 divided by 39 = approximately 0.384615To convert 0.384615 to percent multiply by 100: 0.384615 × 100 = 38.4615 %
0.78 can be written as a fraction like 78/100 or, reduced, 39/50.
0.039 = 39/1000
78/100 39/50
it would be 39/100