To calculate how many times 45 goes into 1035, you would divide 1035 by 45. The result is 23, with no remainder. Therefore, 45 goes into 1035 exactly 23 times.
45 divided into 90 = 0.5
1,035/23 = 45
23/27 ÷ 45 = 23/27 ÷ 45/1 = 23/27 × 1/45 = (23×1)/(27×45) = 23/1215
It is 23/1170 = or 0.0197, approx..
Michael Jordan is number 23 because he wanted 45 but his brother took it so he divided 45 by 2 and that was 22.5 which rounded up to 23 so that is why he is 23.
To calculate how many times 45 goes into 1035, you would divide 1035 by 45. The result is 23, with no remainder. Therefore, 45 goes into 1035 exactly 23 times.
45 percent of 23 = 10.35
23+45= = 68
minus eight 13 - (-23) - (180 / 45) + (-40) = -8 That's assuming that the 180 was to be divided by 45 (its hard to write parentheses in text!) The above answer is correct if you are following the standard Order of Operations, which are: 1. Exponents and Roots 2. Multiplication and Division 3. Addition and Subtraction See the Related Links for more info on Order of Operations. Another answer: I read it as: {[13-(-23)-180]/45} + -40 = -43.2 I divided first three numbers by 45, not just 180. That's just how I read it.